Tuesday, June 7, 2011

First year at Wright State University...

Wow...First year of college is now officially finished. I had a rough start, but once I got adjusted to college I was on track. I have made so many friends here at WSU. I know there have been good and bad times with us, but we have became closer and closer. Coming in as a freshman to WSU living in Hamilton Hall I was so excited, but yet scared at the same time. I got involved right away. I joined our community council and ran for South Representative and received the position.I even got to go to NACURH which is a conference at Western Illinois University and I had a blast. . :) Since fall quarter was a horrible quarter for me considering I had a bad roommate, got bed bugs, and my grades slipped a bit I didn't enjoy college much in the fall. During winter I had a little bit better experience. I was then living in a triple dorm so I had 2 roommates one of which I got along with for awhile, towards the middle and end I wanted to just leave but I stuck it out and he ended up leaving WSU. Going into Spring quarter I was unsure of how to feel since I didn't have very good fall or winter quarters. I had finally got some real friends on the floor now. I knew nothing worse could happen. I had found two very good friends that I gotten along with great fall and winter, Brandon T. and Najee W. (my roommate winter and spring quarter). Spring quarter we had two new residents move on our floor. I met one of them going to do their laundry and was unsure of the guy. So I got to know him and his roommate very well. I got to know one of them so well I would consider him one of my best friends, Jordan Washburn. We hang out a lot and he is like my brother. His roommate Nick I consider one of my very close friends. He also hangs out with me quite a bit and is like my brother. I know that Brandon, Najee, Jordan, and Nick have changed my college career and we have all became very close I don't know what I would do without them sometimes. Being in college has changed me majorly. I can't even explain it. I have also gained one very close friend that I have knew since fall. Her name is Megan. Megan is like a sister to me. We had a rough friendship to start off and we just hung in there and I am now her Personal Asst. She has been there for me no matter what, I could go to her room at 3 AM and she wouldn't care. She is a great person and has a big heart. I also have met some good friends that I have had a lot of fun with we may not be as close as the people listed above, but they are very close. Cortney, Ashley and Chris. We have had some wild adventures, but a lot of fun. These people are so much fun to be around some of them we had our good and bad times, but we pull through them. It is amazing how many friends I have made here. I have also got involved in some great organizations and got some great jobs including Orientation and First weekend leader this Summer and Fall. These are some memories I will never forget and I would like to thank each and everyone of you. BUT most of all I would like to thank my family and God for having my back no matter what. I love you all. Thanks for a great year and I hope to see you next fall if not this summer!

Thank you to all who impacted my first year at college. I have made some great friends

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