Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Certain Times You Just Want To Scream, Yell, Be Alone, Be Happy, Be funny...How about just a CRAZY LIFE!

Well I just turned the big 1 8 about a week ago...December 19, 1991. I can't believe how fast it has went! I had a great party got clothes, money, and some little stuff...later on that week we had Christmas of course. It went well also I got some very good presents that my parents did not have to get me but they do it because they love me. A couple days ago my sister had to go get a dress for winter ball..I will NEVER shop with her even if someone paid me to! She took 5 hours to find a dress...it's not prom she doesn't have to spend that much time!!!!!!!! Well from there I thought since she got to go shopping I should get to go to get some of my gift cards spent. That hasn't happened yet...it sometimes seems like I am not much when it's Lindsey's way or the highway. But I know thats not true. Our parents treat us the same maybe not all the time but most of the time! It's not like I get more clothes or hunting gear...etc. I work for my money right now and I am also older so of course I am going to get a little more expensive gifts for Christmas but she will get more gifts than me. But its moments like what one sibling gets is how it's going to be sometimes and you just get tired of it you want to show some kind of emotion. Well...it is almost 2010 and that will for sure be a new start for me. I will be graduating, going to college, etc. Well I hope to be on here soon but who knows with my CRAZY life!

Happy New Year!

Friday, November 27, 2009

Growing up...

Well, I got a job this summer at Young's. I have a blast working there and I get paid for it too. I am getting ready to turn 18 soon. Then I will be graduating June 5th. It's very sad that I will be going to college in the fall of 2010. But on the other hand it's happy, it will show that I have worked my way into the future. I will be going to college after I graduate. I would like to go into early childhood education or software developer. I have had less seizures and hoping this is the medication that will take my epilepsy away. People seem to be living in fantasies all the time. Their life just seems so perfect. I wish some people would come to realize this is the real world and come out of their fantasy. I don't know what will happen in this world but who does? Some people think I just have money given to me. I work for my money I own a business and work for one and I also work at home. Growing up teaches you so many things you can do with you life. It teaches you good and bad things. We want everyone to learn the good things, sure we mess up here and there but we work things out. Well that will be all for now.

Happy Holidays,

Friday, February 13, 2009

The Best Times in Your Life...

The best times in your life may be all different times. I have learned a lot in High School and a lot of my best friends from elementary are still in my class! They hit middle school and decided they would leave me out in the dust, yea we are still friends but not like a friend, friend that would take you to the movies and do fun stuff with you! I have fought it through though and tried to find new friends and right now I a not sure what friends I should trust my best friend that I know will always be beside me lives in North Carolina(N.C.) and he is a great friend. I have had trouble finding friends because of my epilepsy and not only that the small town I live in. I will even sometimes run home and go up to my room and just cry it out. I hate not having like 3 friends. People don't realize how hard my life is!!! They will beg me to do something for them and I have to say yes because they drive me crazy and finding time to do whatever they ask. One of my friends is my cousin Steph, she is ALWAYS there when I need her the most! They say High School is the best years of your life, but I have to disagree. I think High School is the worst part of your life for some people. I know when I go to college in the fall of 2010 I will find some awsome friends! If you have the time please listen to Brad Paisley's song called
"Letter to me." That will tell you kinda what I am trying to say here!

Good luck in life,

Friday, January 23, 2009

Laugh, Live, LIFE

The 3 L's I like to refer to, Laugh, Live, and LIFE! Those are one of the many things in life you need to do. Life to me is trying your best, even if you do not succed! "If you do try you will succed" that is one of my favorite quotes because if you do try most likly you will succed. Yea as a teenager we ALWAYS do our best, even if our parents don't belive we are! You all were teens once and knew what it was like but, they push us so hard that way we will understand life and we will succed in our life! I will be 18 this December and I still do not know all the way what I want to be, I know a teacher of some sort. I have to know it is like when your in 1st grade and your teacher asks you what do you want to be when you grow up? I said I want to be a Dr. but I know now I am not going to do that. So I know I am going through life every day because my parents push me to go through it! I think of it as this long tunnel I'm almost at the end but not yet and I shouldn't be. When I am a senior or going into my senior year I should be at the end and going out into the open world. I will be 18 and I will have control over my life, yea my parents will give me a little push every now and then but I know I will make it. If you think of when a bird leaves the nest from its mother, now the bird is on its own! I am still in the nest and I know I will have left the nest by the time I turn 18 because I will have to. I will be going to college and not staying at home with my parents, I will be in the real world! But until that time comes I will do my best for my parents and when that time comes I will do my best for me so I can succed! "If you try you will succed"! Another good quote is on the top of this page "Always reemember the best things in LIFE"! My parents kept on saying "Justin you can get you Varsity "C" in golf just do your best" and I did my best and I earned my varsity "C". So thank you mom & dad & lindsey and the rest of my family for beliving in me!